Tuesday 4 July 2023 at the Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, Belgium.

The year is 1892. Senne is 11 years old and a factory child. Like many other children, he works in one of Turnhout’s printing works. The work is hard and arduous, and the days are long. The ink from the machines sticks indelibly to his clothes, his hands and his skin. In the course of what is supposed to be an ordinary working day, Senne unwittingly sets in motion a series of events with far-reaching consequences…

The story of The inkstained child (Kind met inktvlekken) is a story of exploitation and injustice, but also of resistance, courage and the will to change the course of history. Turnhout had its heyday as an industrial town in the 19th century. Set against the backdrop of today’s city, The inkstained child takes you back to this turbulent period. Ten impressive murals bring the world of Senne to life in an original street art trail.

The inkstained child is a production by Musea Turnhout, in collaboration with writer Paul Govaerts and comic strip artist Dido Drachman. Together, they are producing the first ever comic strip set against the backdrop of the city.

The inkstained child project is made possible by the City of Turnhout, the Flemish Government, Rock Paper Pencil, Erfgoed Noorderkempen and Strip Turnhout. Installation of the murals: Treepack.

Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart
2300 Turnhout
+ 32 14 41 56 21