Welcome to the AEPM

An international printing heritage network

The AEPM shares knowledge, experience, initiatives, and resources in all fields of the graphic arts as they have been practised from the time of Gutenberg until the present day. Read more

Latest news

March 3, 2025 // AEPM webmaster

Femmes de couleurs

Le Musée-Atelier de l’Imprimerie de Nantes est fier d’annoncer l’exposition exceptionnelle de Faïza Zeïna, artiste plasticienne aux multiples facettes, dont les œuvres vibrantes et audacieuses seront présentées du 6 mars au 15 avril 2025. Une artiste au parcours singulier Née aux Îles Comores en 1970, Faïza Zeïna grandit dans un environnement matriarcal fort, marqué par

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February 17, 2025 // AEPM webmaster

News from Norwich

A brief history of printing and related museums worldwide

in the form of a timeline of the foundation dates of over three hundred printing and graphic heritage organisations from 1843 to the present day

Museum finder

Printing and related museums in Europe and worldwide

Want to find a printing museum or other printing heritage organisation near you, or to visit when travelling? Try our Museum Finder

Featured museum

C. C. Stern Type Foundry

united states

Publications & conference proceedings

A variety of publications about printing and graphic heritage including profiles of printing museums, a selection of papers from previous AEPM conferences and a brief history of printing and related museums in the form of a timeline of the foundation dates of nearly two hundred printing and graphic heritage organisations worldwide.