The secrets of the continuous papermaking machine

The first continuous papermaking machine was designed by Louis Nicolas Robert in 1798: it was capable of supplying sheets from 12 to 15 metres long and simplified the process. It was then perfected by the Fourdrinier brothers, who filed two patents.

A rare and precious specimen of this machine – the glorious ancestor of today’s papermaking machines – is kept in the Mele Paper Museum. Its characteristics will be illustrated during this meeting by Giuseppe Traverso who, within the Museum, is educational activities, production and sale of artefacts made on site.

This will be an opportunity to learn more about the structure that houses ‘our’ machine. The Mele Paper Museum is in fact unique in its kind: opened in 1997 as a testimony to the knowledge of the art of papermaking in Genoa, it is located in the old Piccardo paper mill, built in 1756 and one of the last to have continued in production.

What distinguishes the Museum is not only its location within a historic mill, but its adherence to the path by which rags of vegetable fibre and waste paper become paper again. Paper that is still in demand and loved today by artists, printers and craftsmen who wish to use a refined and original artefact for their works.

The meeting will take place online. To obtain the Zoom link to participate, you must register via MeetUp

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Macchina continua in piano per produrre carta