Offer to donate a Voirin lithographic press

The Musée National Adrien Dubouché in Limoges owns a large Voirin lithographic press. This machine was donated in the 1990s by a porcelain manufacturer who had used it to print transfers.

Unlike other machines, it was not included in the museum’s inventory, nor was it integrated into the visitor itinerary during the renovation of the museum between 2009 and 2012. It is currently stored in a room that we need to empty in preparation for the installation of a biomass heating system.

To ensure that this heritage is preserved, we are looking for institutions or artists potentially interested in this machine, in the form of a deposit or donation. Weight: approx. 6.5 tonnes, dimensions: H. 180cm; L. 370cm; W. 190.

Transport could be facilitated by the museum (on a case-by-case basis).

For further information, please contact

Jean-Charles Hameau
Conservateur du patrimoine
+33 (0)5 55 33 08 50

Musée national Adrien Dubouché
Cité de la Céramique – Sèvres & Limoges
8 bis place Winston Churchill