Dear Members of AEPM,
I would like to invite you to this year’s IADM conference which will take place on November 12-14th in Mosbach and Heidelberg. We will discuss the following topics: “Special features of packaging print – Tales from old boxes and full bottles” and “Today’s museum projects and tomorrow’s IADM perspectives”.
On November the 13th the program includes the topic “Exchanging News” which will give members the opportunity to present current museum projects and exhibition concepts: scheduled as 15 minute Powerpoint presentations.
If you are interested please let us know and write us a mail or a fax. We can give you further information about the conference program, recommended hotels, etc.
We hope to welcome many of you at the conference.
With best regards,
Christian Göbel
Dr. Christian Göbel
Deutsches Zeitungmuseum
Am Abteihof 1
66787 Wadgassen