Celebrating Shakespeare at the Penrith Museum of Printing

To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio in 1623, the Penrith Museum of Printing is hosting an exclusive interactive tour on 26 October 2023 in honour of the book’s printing.

Experience the Living History of Printing, this will be a Living and Interactive tour. Step back in time and discover how in the old days books and newspapers were crafted without modern electronic technology.

On display there will be two handset Shakespeare books from mid-eighteen hundreds and a beautiful facsimile Gutenberg Bible, printed in the last century.

Witness live demonstrations of hand and machine typesetting and see printing presses come to life.

Marvel at the Wooden Common press similar to the ones used the one use to print the Shakespeare books or the 1841 Columbian Press that produced the Carcoar Chronical in the 1800’s.

Watch the Wharfedale Press that printed the Nepean Times in action. View the very press that printed Australia’s last letterpress newspaper, The Dorrigo Gazette, on June 30, 2023, yes, this year! A captivating glimpse into a preserved piece of history.

You will have the opportunity to try your hand at creating a moveable text line of type, just like Johannes Gutenberg did in the mid-15h century did. His invention revolutionised the production of books.

26 October 2023 at 10:30

Penrith Museum of Printing, grounds of the Penrith Paceway,
Ransley Street Penrith, Penrith, NSW, 2750

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