C.C. Stern Type Foundry 2021 Spring type jam!

[Online event]

Sarah NichollsBrain washing from phone towers

Saturday, March 20, 2021
11:00 am (Pacific Time)

Participation is free, but donations to directly support the artist are appreciated.

RSVP for event link

During this online event, Sarah Nicholls will introduce us to her ongoing publishing series, Brain Washing from Phone Towers Informational Pamphlets, which is a series of letterpress publications and events centered on climate change, urban ecology, and urban history. These small-scale editioned publications combine text handset in metal type and images carved in wood or linoleum. Sarah will share a selection of past pamphlets and the related virtual walks made in conjunction with her publications, show us around the studio where she works, and talk about her distribution methods.

Type Jams are informal events usually held around the table at the C.C. Stern Type Foundry. Attendees are encouraged to participate in discussion with presenters. While COVID-19 risks make in person programming challenging, we invite you to join us for this opportunity to virtually visit and hear about Sarah’s work.

Sarah Nicholls is a Brooklyn, NY based artist, printmaker, educator, and writer whose work combines language, image, visual narrative, and time. Her work has received support from the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the Brooklyn Arts Council, and the Puffin Foundation, and she has participated in residencies at BRIC in Downtown Brooklyn, the Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts, and Guttenberg Arts in New Jersey. She has taught letterpress and book arts at Pratt Institute, Parsons School of Design, Rutgers, and University of the Arts in Philadelphia, as well as the Center for Book Arts.