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AEPM 2017 – conference
Museum of Typography, Chania (Crete) Greece
The Museum of Typography all set to host the AEPM 2017 conference
First evening at the Centre for Mediterranean Architecture
Retrospective exhibition about the Museum of Typography in the Centre for Mediterranean Architecture
The opening talks
An attentive audience
After the serious stuff... dinner with musical accompaniment
Friday: morning session at the Museum of Typography
Yiannis Garedakis welcomes the delegates
Yiannis Garedakis welcomes the delegates
Delegates discover the Museum
AEPM annual conference, 11-14 Elia Koumi, director of the Museum (and our guardian angel)
Eleni Foundoulaki, who had the difficult task of keeping the delegates organised!
Delegates discover the Museum
Delegates discover the Museum
At the lithographic press
A last look before moving on to the first conference session
AEPM Mana Kaasik of the Estonian printing Museum
Delegates at session which took place at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Konstantinos Staikos sets the ball rolling
Georgios Mattiopoulos brings the Grecs du rois to life
One of the many graffitis in Grecs du roi which flourished on the walls of Chania during the week preceeding the conference
For the first time at an AEPM conference delegates were able to benefit from simultaneous translation
Saturday morning: the board of the AEPM trying to look serious during the AGM
Delegates at the Saturday session at the Regional Press Institute
Visiting the historic house of Eleftherios Venezelos
The Holy Trinity Monastery and its rare book collection
Visiting the Holy Trinity Monastery and its rare book collection
The Holy Trinity Monastery and its rare book collection
Niki Sioki andAlan Marshall in conversation
The Holy Trinity Monastery and its rare book collection
The Holy Trinity Monastery and its rare book collection
Susan Shaw and Guy Hutsebaut discussing the finer points of one of the exhibits of the Holy Trinity Monastery and its rare book collection
Sunday morning: an encounter with a group of students at the museum
...and a meeting with our Korean colleagues about the project to establish a worlwide association of printing museums
A final farewell meal at the Botanical Park and Gardens of Crete
Yiannis Garedakis, the man without whom none of this could ever have happened
...and no conference in Greece would be complete without a cat!