The city of Stavanger (Norway) receives substantial funding for the renewal of its Graphic Museum

The Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank charitable foundation has announced its intention to grant 4.4 million Norwegian Krone (4,7 million euros) to the relocation and installation of the Norwegian printing museum (Norsk Grafisk Museum) in the city of Stavanger (Norway). The Museum, which was founded in 1993, will be installed on the same site as the Norwegian Canning Museum as part of the City of Stavanger’s museum programme.

The Norwegian Graphic Museum has had to move due to the City’s plan for a hotel on its present site. As a result, it is currently closed to the public for the cataloguing and photographing of its collections prior to their being moved and reinstalled in the new premises and exhibition spaces.

The relocation of the Museum was identified as one of Stavanger Municipality’s main priorities for the period 2013-2016. The new Graphic Museum will be located next to the Norwegian Canning Museum, and the two museums will be interconnected to facilitate access for as broad an audience as possible. An architectural competition has been organised in cooperation with the National association of Norwegian architects.

The Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank’s funding of the renewal of the Norwegian Graphic Museum is its contribution to what it considers to be a unique platform to convey Stavanger’s industrial history. Museum Stavanger currently has other grant applications underway to complete the financing of the new museum.

The printing industry has played an important role in Stavanger’s history and, as such, is an essential part of the City’s plans to develop cultural tourism.


Artist’s impression of the new Norwegian Graphic Museum.

A photo album of  of the Norwegian Printing Museum is to be found in the AEPM’s Flickr gallery.