Second launch event for the History of the Monotype Corporation

A second event to mark the recent publication of the History of the Monotype Corporation (Vanburgh Press) is being organised jointly by the Type Archive and The Printing Historical Society. Though principally intended for PHS members who missed the original launch event, some places are available for non-members. The event is being held at the Type Archive which houses and operates the working machinery of Monotype’s hot-metal service. There will be an opportunity to visit parts of the collections.

Type Archive (TA) on Monday, 23 February 2015. Time 6.30 to 9.30.

Demand for places at this event  is expected to be high, so early registration is advised. It is a RSVP ticketed event at £ 15.00 per person: please register your acceptance here as soon as possible, to secure a place.

This will be a memorable evening. Much of the TA will be open for demonstration of unique skills, and canapés will be provided by the award-winning Food Show.

The Type Archive is located between Oval and Stockwell London Underground stations – and on the following London Bus routes: 3, 59, 133, 159, 415.

Book your ticket now – space is limited.

Email Type Archive events for further information.