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Printing Museums



Museum Plantin-Moretus


Firestation Print Studio

www.fps.org.au  See Google map

James Cryer


Mallee Tourist & Heritage Centre - Letterpress printing museum

www.murrayriver.com.au/mallee-tourist-heritage-centre-1114  See Google map

Museum of printing (NERAM)

www.neram.com.au/explore/mop  See Google map

Olivewood Historic Homestead and Museum

www.nationaltrust.org.au/places/olivewood  See Google map

Penrith museum of printing

www.printingmuseum.org.au  See Google map

Queanbeyan Printing Museum

See Google map


Stephanus Peters


Museum für Druckgrafik

www.markusgell.com/3_museum  See Google map

Osterreichisches Papiermachermuseum (Austrian papermaking museum)

papierwelten.co.at  See Google map

Schrift- & Heimatmuseum Bartlhaus

www.bartlhaus.at/schriftmuseum  See Google map


Miniatür Kitab Muzeyi (Museum of miniature books)

www.minibooks.az  See Google map


Bibliotheca Wittockiana

wittockiana.org  See Google map

Centre de la gravure et de l'image imprimée

www.centredelagravure.be  See Google map


Drukkerijmuseum - Musée de l'imprimerie

See Google map

Frans Masereel Centrum (Kasterlee)

fransmasereelcentrum.be/en  See Google map

Het dagbladmuseum

www.dagbladmuseum.be  See Google map

Historische Drukkerij Turnhout

www.historischedrukkerij.be  See Google map

Imprimerie Paperland SA


Industriemuseum (formerly MIAT)

www.industriemuseum.be/en  See Google map

International exlibris centre (Saint-Nicholas)


Jan van der Linden




Musée de la typographie

See Google map

Musée Félicien Rops

www.museerops.be  See Google map


Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart

www.speelkaartenmuseum.be  See Google map

Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart


Stéphane de Schrevel


Bibliotheca Wittockiana

wittockiana.org  See Google map

Centre de la gravure et de l'image imprimée

www.centredelagravure.be  See Google map


Drukkerijmuseum - Musée de l'imprimerie

See Google map

Frans Masereel Centrum (Kasterlee)

fransmasereelcentrum.be/en  See Google map

Het dagbladmuseum

www.dagbladmuseum.be  See Google map

Historische Drukkerij Turnhout

www.historischedrukkerij.be  See Google map

Imprimerie Paperland SA


Industriemuseum (formerly MIAT)

www.industriemuseum.be/en  See Google map

International exlibris centre (Saint-Nicholas)


Jan van der Linden




Musée de la typographie

See Google map

Musée Félicien Rops

www.museerops.be  See Google map


Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart

www.speelkaartenmuseum.be  See Google map

Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart


Stéphane de Schrevel


Museu Tipografia Pão de Santo Antônio

www.museutipografia.com.br  See Google map

Tipografia Pão de Santo Antonio




Howard Iron Works Printing Museum and Restoration

www.howardironworks.org/index.html  See Google map

La pulperie de Chicooutimi regional museum

www.pulperie.com/en  See Google map

Mackenzie printery and newspaper museum

www.mackenzieprintery.org  See Google map

Musée de l'imprimerie du Québec

www.museeimpression.org  See Google map


Museo de la gráfica de Chillán

museodelagraficachillan.blogspot.fr  See Google map

Museo Universitario del Grabado (University of engraving)

upla.cl/museodelgrabado  See Google map


China Printing Museum

www.printingmuseum.cn  See Google map

China Printmaking Museum

guanlanprints.com  See Google map


Museo de artes gráficas

www.imprenta.gov.co/museo  See Google map


Typeflow research and educational centre

www.typeflow.org  See Google map



Institute for the Study of Typography & Visual Communication (ISTVC)

istvc.org  See Google map

czech republic

Knihtiskárna Muzeum Kutná Hora (Gutenberg Printing House, Museum Kutná Hora)

muzeumkutnahora.info  See Google map

Moravian Cartographic Centre

www.facebook.com/MKCVO  See Google map

Národní technické muzeum (National Technical Museum)

www.ntm.cz/en  See Google map

Velké Losiny paper mill

www.rpvl.cz/en  See Google map


Bruunshaab Gl. Papfabrik

www.papfabrik.dk  See Google map


Danish poster museum (Dansk plakatmuseum)

www.plakatmuseum.dk  See Google map


Jens Jørgen Hansen, bogtrykker

www.letterpress.dk  See Google map

Vingaards Officin, Bogtrykmuseet Viborg (Ebbe Sorensen)

www.vingaards-officin.dk  See Google map


Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

www.hlmd.de  See Google map



Lahti poster museum

www.malvamuseo.fi  See Google map

Verla Mill Museum

www.verla.fi/en  See Google map



Amis du Musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique


Arch'Libris, typographe-éditeur

www.facebook.com/Archlibris  See Google map

Atelier du livre

c18.net/atelier  See Google map

Atelier Fornax

www.fornax.fr  See Google map


Atelier musée de l'imprimerie (AMI)

a-mi.fr  See Google map


Bernard Langlois

Bibliothèque humaniste de Sélestat

bh-selestat.fr  See Google map

Chalcographie du Louvre

www.chalcographiedulouvre.com  See Google map

Cité internatonale de la bande dessinée et de l'image

www.citebd.org  See Google map

CNEAI (Centre national édition art image)

www.cneai.com  See Google map

Conservatoire des arts et techniques graphiques

conservatoireribeauville.jimdo.com  See Google map

Démocrate de l'Aisne

democrate-aisne.fr  See Google map

Espace Europeen Gutenberg

:www.espace-gutenberg.fr  See Google map

Espace européen Gutenberg


Françoise Langlois

L'atelier d'un journal (Ecomusée de la Bresse Bourguignonne)

www.ecomusee-de-la-bresse.com  See Google map

L'atelier typographique (Impressions Chevalier)

impressions-chevalier.fr/atelier-typographique#visite  See Google map

Le livre et la lettre

www.lelivreetlalettre.com  See Google map

Le moulin à papier de Liveau

www.lemoulinapapierduliveau.com  See Google map


Le signe, centre national du graphisme

www.centrenationaldugraphisme.fr  See Google map

Le Typo du Panier

See Google map

Les Jardins typographiques

www.jardintypographique.fr  See Google map

Maison de l'imprimerie et du papier

lespapiersdumoulin.com  See Google map

Maison du Papier

See Google map

Moulin de la Tourne

www.moulin-a-papier.com  See Google map

Moulin Richard de Bas


Moulin à papier de Brousses


Musée Aristide Bergès

www.asso-ab.fr  See Google map


Musée atelier de l'imprimerie de Nantes

musee-imprimerie.com  See Google map

Musée Champollion. Les écritures du monde

www.musee-champollion.fr  See Google map

Musée Charantais de l'Imprimerie

See Google map

Musée de l'image

www.museedelimage.fr  See Google map

Musée de l'impression sur étoffes

www.musee-impression.com  See Google map


Musée de l'imprimerie de Bordeaux

www.musee-imprimerie-bordeaux.fr  See Google map

Musée de l'imprimerie de Limoux

www.museedelimprimerie.fr  See Google map

Musée de l'imprimerie de Rebais

museeimprimerierebais.e-monsite.com  See Google map

Musée de la typographie

See Google map

Musée des Arts et Métiers du Livre - Musée Michel Braibant

www.montolieu-livre.fr/le-musee  See Google map

Musée des papeteries Canson et Montgolfier

musee-papeteries-canson-montgolfier.fr  See Google map

Musée du Cartonnage et de l'Imprimerie

www.valreas.net/musees.htm#musees  See Google map

Musée du Livre et de la Typographie

See Google map

Musée du papier peint

www.museepapierpeint.org  See Google map

Musée du Pays d'Ussel

See Google map

Musée français de la carte à jouer

www.issy.com/storage/musee  See Google map

Musée national des arts et métiers

www.arts-et-metiers.net  See Google map

Musée Théophraste Renaudot

www.museerenaudot.com  See Google map

Musée Toulouse-Lautrec

musee-toulouse-lautrec.com/fr  See Google map


Musée typographique Le Rachinel

museetypographiquelerachinel.com  See Google map


Nelly Gable


Pascal Fulacher

Super Marché Noir

www.supermarchenoir.fr  See Google map

Urdla. Centre international estampe & livre

www.urdla.com  See Google map


Van Dieren Editeur

www.vandieren.com  See Google map


Zahra Benkass


Bodoni Museum (Buchwerk Bodoni)

bodoni.org  See Google map

Buchdruck-Museum Soltau (Soltau Letterpress Museum)e.V.

www.buchdruckmuseum-soltau.de  See Google map

Buchdruckmuseum Zschopau

www.buchdruck-museum.de  See Google map

Buchstabenmuseum (Museum of letters)

www.buchstabenmuseum.de/en  See Google map

Caricatura Museum Frankfurt, Museum für Komische Kunst

caricatura-museum.de  See Google map

Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

dnb.de  See Google map


Deutsches Museum Münich

www.deutsches-museum.de  See Google map


Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin

technikmuseum.berlin  See Google map

Deutsches Verpackungsmuseum (German Museum of Packaging)

www.verpackungsmuseum.de  See Google map

Druck- und Satztechnik Privatmuseum Goldschagg

www.drucktechnik-museum-goldschagg.de/index.html  See Google map


Druckgrafisches Museum Weimar, Pavillon Presse

pavillon-presse.de  See Google map

Düren paper mill

See Google map

Erika Fuchs Haus. Museum für Comic und Sprachkunst

www.erika-fuchs.de  See Google map


Haus der Stadtgeschichte Offenbach

www.haus-der-stadtgeschichte.de  See Google map

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Graphische Sammlung- Abteilung für Schriftguss, Satz und Druckve

www.hlmd.de/museum/aussenstellen/abteilung-schriftguss-satz-und-druckv...  See Google map

Historische Buchdruckerei

www.druck-buchkultur.de  See Google map

Historsiche Druckwerkstatt. Offizin Schloss Horst Gelsenkirchen

www.historische-druckwerkstatt.de  See Google map

International Senefelder Foundation

www.senefelderstiftung.de/en  See Google map


Internationales Zeitungsmuseum (IZM)

www.izm.de/en  See Google map

J.F. Schreiber Museum

www.museen-esslingen.de  See Google map


Jürgen Bönig

Leopold Hoesch Museum - Paper museum Düren

www.leopoldhoeschmuseum.de/deutsch  See Google map

M.M.F. Museum für fotokopie

www.museum-fotokopie.de/en  See Google map


Museum der Arbeit (Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg)

shmh.de/de/museum-der-arbeit  See Google map

Museum für Druckgeschichte

www.druckgeschichte.de  See Google map


Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig

www.druckkunst-museum.de  See Google map

Museum Für Papier und Buchkunst

www.lenningen.de/index.php?id=164  See Google map

Museumsgesellschaft Schopfheim - Technikmuseum Linotype

www.museumsgesellschaft-schopfheim.de  See Google map

Papiermuseum Fockendorf

www.papiermuseum.net  See Google map

Rolf Demmerle

Schriftgiesserei Rainer Gerstenberg

www.rainer-gerstenberg.de  See Google map

Stadtarchiv und Ehemals Reichsstädtische Bibliothek

www.bodenseebibliotheken.de/bibliotheken/stadtarchiv_und_ehemals_reich...  See Google map

Steintor-Presse im Medienhaven

steintorpresse.de  See Google map

Sächsische Landesbibliothek und Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Buchmuseum

www.slub-dresden.de/ueber-uns/buchmuseum  See Google map

Technical Museum - Niederzwönitz paper mill

www.zwoenitz.de  See Google map

Technisches Museum Neumann-Mühle

www.neumann-muehle.de/index.html  See Google map


Verein fûr die Schwarze Kunst e.V.

www.verein-fuer-die-schwarze-kunst.de  See Google map



Achilles Tzallas

Banknote museum of the Ionian Bank, Corfu

www.alphapolitismos.gr/en/05-Banknote-Museum  See Google map

Museum of the National Printing House (MET)

www.et.gr/index.php/mouseio  See Google map

Museum of Typography and Graphic Arts Technology

mtt.unit.uoi.gr/index.php?lang=el  See Google map


Diósgyőri Papírgyár Zrt (DIPA paper museum)

www.dipa.hu/museum  See Google map


Kner history of printing museum

gyomaikner.hu/en/the-kner-collection  See Google map

Kékfestö Múzeum (indigo textile printing museum)

www.kekfestomuzeum.hu/?language=en  See Google map


Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing

www.anokhi.com/museum/home.html  See Google map

Calico Museum of Textiles

calicomuseum.org  See Google map


imPRESSed Craft Bindery & Letterpress Studio



AIMSC (Associazione Italiana dei Musei della Stampa e della Carta)

aimsc.it  See Google map

Museo della carta di Mele

www.museocartamele.it  See Google map

Museo della carta e della filigrana

www.museodellacarta.com  See Google map

Museo della Carta – Toscolano Maderno

www.valledellecartiere.it  See Google map

Museo della stampa 'Città di Lecce'

www.museodellastampalecce.it  See Google map

Museo della stampa Casa degli stampatori Soncino

www.museostampasoncino.it/index.php  See Google map

Museo della stampa e stampa d'arte a Lodi

www.museostampa.org  See Google map

Museo della stampa Jacopo da Fivizzano

www.terredilunigiana.com/musei/museostampa.php  See Google map

Museo della Stampa Marcello Prati

See Google map

Museo della stampa – Il segno tipografico Lodovico Pavoni

www.museotipografico.it  See Google map

Museo Storico Stabilimento Tipografico Pliniana

www.pliniana.it/it/photogallery/il-museo_15.html  See Google map

Museo vivente delle Arti Grafiche Pazzini

en.pazzinieditore.it/profilo/tradizione  See Google map

Museum Graphia - Museo internazionale della stampa

www.cortedellaminiera.it  See Google map

Musil. Museo dell'industria e del lavoro - Rodengo Saiano

www.musilbrescia.it/it/home  See Google map

Per via – Museo Tesino delle stampe e dell’ambulantato

www.museopervia.it  See Google map

Raccolta Remondini Grafiche Tassotti – Bassano del Grappa

www.tassotti.it/Docs/Showrooms/Carteria-Tassotti-Bassano.aspx  See Google map


Tipografia Grifani Donati dal 1799

See Google map

Tipoteca italiana

www.tipoteca.it  See Google map

Typographiae - Museo della stampa e della cultural tipografica

See Google map


Banknote & postage stamp museum

www.npb.go.jp/en/museum/index.html  See Google map

Japan Newspaper Museum (Newspark)

newspark.jp/en  See Google map



National Library of Latvia

www.lnb.lv/en  See Google map



Kulturhuef. Luxemburg museum of printing and playing cards

www.kulturhuef.lu  See Google map


The Royal Press (letterpress museum)

theroyalpress.my  See Google map


Museo de Artes Gráficas (MAG)

www.facebook.com/MagSaltillo  See Google map

Museo del periodismo y la artes gráficas

www.facebook.com/museodel.periodismo  See Google map

Museo nacional de la estampa

museonacionaldelaestampa.inba.gob.mx  See Google map

Museo Nacional de las Artes Graficas

www.facebook.com/mdartesgraf  See Google map



Cho Yiu Cynthia Ng


De Drukpers (Historische Drukkerij en Grafisch Atelier)

www.facebook.com/dedrukpers  See Google map

Design Museum Dedel

designmuseumdedel.nl/en  See Google map

Drukkerij "Die Haghe"

See Google map

Drukkunstmuseum: historische drukkerij & grafisch atelier

www.drukkunstmuseum.nl  See Google map



See Google map


Erwin Blok

Fries grafisch museum

See Google map

Grafisch Atelier Hilversum

gahilversum.nl  See Google map

Grafisch Centrum Groningen (GCG)

www.grafischcentrumgroningen.nl  See Google map

Grafisch museum/atelier 'In den Groenen Zonck'

www.grafischmuseumindengroenenzonck.nl/index.htm  See Google map

GRID, Grafisch Museum Groningen

www.gridgroningen.nl  See Google map


In de Bonnefant / Bonnefant Press

See Google map


Johan de Zoete (Photomechanical processes)


Museum het Rembrandthuis (Rembrandt house museum)

www.rembrandthuis.nl  See Google map

Museum Meermanno

www.meermanno.nl  See Google map

Nederlands Drukkerij Museum, Etten-Leur

www.nederlandsdrukkerijmuseum.eu  See Google map

Nederlands Steendrukmuseum

www.steendrukmuseum.nl  See Google map

Noord-Hollands Archief (Collections of the Museum Enschedé)

noord-hollandsarchief.nl/collecties/enschede  See Google map

Sound and vision (incorporating Het Persmuseum)

www.beeldengeluid.nl/en  See Google map


Stichting lettergieten

www.lettergieten.nl  See Google map


Thomas Gravemaker

University of Amsterdam special collections

bijzonderecollecties.uva.nl/en  See Google map



Foreningen Verkstedet – Senter for skrift og trykk (The association “the workshop” – Center for type and print)

www.verkstedet.org  See Google map


IDDIS Norwegian Printing Museum and Norwegian Canning Museum

iddismuseum.no/en  See Google map


Pressemuseet Fjeld-Ljoms Venner (Friends of the Press Museum Fjeld-Ljom)

fjeld-ljom.no  See Google map



Museum of Papermaking in Duszniki-Zdroj

muzeumpapiernictwa.pl/en  See Google map

Book Art Museum

www.book.art.pl  See Google map

Museum of Municipal Engineering (printng exhibition)

www.mim.krakow.pl/exhibition-archive/printing-in-krakow-15th-20th-cent...  See Google map

Muzeum Drukarstwa w Nowym Targu (Printing museum of Nowym Targu)

muzeumdrukarstwa.nowytarg.pl/o-muzeum  See Google map

Muzeum Drukarstwa Warszawskiego

muzeumdrukarstwa.muzeumwarszawy.pl  See Google map

Muzeum Piśmiennictwa i Drukarstwa w Grębocinie

www.muzeum.grebocin.pl  See Google map

Poster Museum Wilanów

www.postermuseum.pl  See Google map

Printing Museum of Cieszyn

muzeumdrukarstwa.pl  See Google map


puerto rico

Museo Biblioteca La Casa del Libro

lacasadellibro.org  See Google map



Comana Paper Mill (Asociatia Moara de hartie)

www.moaradehartie.ro/en  See Google map


Muzeu Atelier Tipografie Sibiu/ Working Printing Museum Sibiu

www.woodtypecustoms.com  See Google map


Clandestine Printing House of the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party

www.sovrhistory.ru/subsidiarys/55548546925b59736836107d  See Google map

Ivan Fedorov Museum

mgup.ru/article/35  See Google map

Museum of the Book (Музей книги)

muzeiknigi.ru  See Google map

Russian State Library Book Museum

www.rsl.ru/ru/events/halls/muzej-knigi  See Google map


Museum of Science and Technology Belgrade

www.muzejnt.rs/site/home  See Google map

south korea

ESAN woodblock museum

esanmuseum5694.modoo.at  See Google map

Jeonju Hanji Museum

www.hanjimuseum.co.kr  See Google map

Museum of ancient Asian woodblock prints

www.gopanhwa.com  See Google map

Museum of books and printing

www.mobapkorea.com/default  See Google map

National Hangeul Museum

www.hangeul.go.kr  See Google map

Samseong Museum of Publishing

ssmop.org  See Google map


Bibliotheca Martineziana

See Google map

Centro de Interpretación da Imprenta de Mondoñedo: Jesús López Díaz


Club de Gráficos Eméritos


Imprenta Miguel León

See Google map


Imprenta Municipal - Artes del libro

www.madrid.es/imprentamunicipal  See Google map

Museo del libro Fadrique de Basilea

See Google map

Museo Didáctico Ángel Gallego Esteban sobre las Artes Gráficas

See Google map

Museu de l'Estampacio de Premia de Mar

www.museuestampacio.org  See Google map

Museu Moli Paperer de Capellades

www.mmp-capellades.net  See Google map

Museum of Graphic Arts Ángel Gallego Esteban-University of Alcalá

cultura.uah.es/es/culturauah/Departamento-de-Exposiciones  See Google map

Sala Temàtica d'Arts Gràfiques de la Diputació de Lleida

ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sala_Tem%C3%A0tica_d%27Arts_Gr%C3%A0fiques_de_la...  See Google map

Sociedad Cervantina - Imprenta del Quijote

www.sociedadcervantina.es  See Google map



Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet / GG Print Studio

www.grafikverkstan.se  See Google map

Grafiska Museet - Helsingborg Printing Museum

www.grafiskamuseet.se  See Google map


Grafiska Museet Linköping

www.tryckerimuseum.se  See Google map


Gramus. (Network of Swedish printing museums)


Litografiska museet, Huddinge, Sweden



Rosenlöfs Tryckerimuseum

www.rosenlofsvanner.se  See Google map


Stiftelsen Skansen

skansen.se  See Google map



Andreas Schweizer


Association pour le patrimoine industriel (Maison du patrimoine industriel et des arts graphiques)

www.patrimoineindustriel.ch  See Google map


Atelier Typo de la Cité

www.ateliertypo.ch  See Google map

Atelier-musée Encre & plomb

www.encretplomb.ch  See Google map

Basler Papiermühle (Swiss museum for paper, writing and printing

www.papiermuseum.ch  See Google map


Fondation Martin Bodmer

fondationbodmer.ch/en  See Google map

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

www.museum-gestaltung.ch/en  See Google map

Museum Stamparia Strada

stamparia.ch  See Google map

Offizin Parnassia

www.parnassia.org  See Google map


Taiwan Sugar Company Printing Museum

www.taisugar.com.tw/english/mail.aspx?n=10852  See Google map


IMOGA Istanbul museum of graphic arts

imoga.org  See Google map

Printing museum of the Turkish Journalists Association

eski.tgc.org.tr/bm_muze.asp  See Google map

SEKA Paper Museum (SEKA Kâğıt Müzesi)

en.sekakagitmuzesi.com/#anasayfa  See Google map


Museum of Ancient Ukrainian Books

See Google map


Museum of books and printing of Ukraine

www.mkdu.com.ua/en  See Google map

united kingdom

Amberley museum and heritage centre

www.amberleymuseum.co.uk  See Google map

Beamish open air museum

www.beamish.org.uk  See Google map

Bradford industrial museum - Moorside Mills

www.bradfordmuseums.org/venues/industrialmuseum/index.php  See Google map


Cambridge Museum of Technology - Print shop

museumoftechnology.com/print-shop  See Google map

Cambridge University Library - Historical Printing Room

www.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/departments/rare-books/rare-books-collec...  See Google map

Central Lettering Record, Central Saint Martins (UAL)

www.arts.ac.uk/csm/about-csm  See Google map

Centre for Fine Print Research (CFPR), University of the West of England

cfpr.uwe.ac.uk  See Google map

Centre for printing history and culture (Birmingham city university)

www.cphc.org.uk  See Google map

Centre for the Study of the Book

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/csb  See Google map


Cottage Press


Department of typography & graphic communication, Reading University

www.reading.ac.uk/typography  See Google map

Emery Walker's House

www.emerywalker.org.uk  See Google map

Frogmore Paper Mill

frogmoremill.com  See Google map

Glasgow School of Art, Communication design

www.gsa.ac.uk  See Google map

Heron Corn Mill

www.heronmill.org  See Google map

John Johnson collection, Bodleian Library

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk  See Google map

Museum of brands packaging and advertising

www.museumofbrands.com  See Google map


St Bride Foundation for Printing Heritage

www.sbf.org.uk  See Google map

Studio B


The letterpress collective

theletterpresscollective.org  See Google map

united states


Ad Lib Press (Robert Oldham, printing technology historian)

American Bookbinders Museum

bookbindersmuseum.org  See Google map

C. C. Stern Type Foundry

www.metaltype.org/ccstf  See Google map

Cincinnati Type & Print Museum

www.cincinnatitypeprintmuseum.org  See Google map


Circuitous Root


Collinsville newspaper museum

www.cvilleok.com/museum.html  See Google map

Crandall historical printing museum

www.thecrandall.com  See Google map

Ediciones Puerta

See Google map

Graphic arts collection, Firestone Library, Princeton University

graphicarts.princeton.edu  See Google map


Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum

woodtype.org  See Google map

Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography

lubalincenter.cooper.edu  See Google map


International Printing Museum

www.printmuseum.org  See Google map

Marshfield Sun Printing Museum

www.marshfieldsunprintingmuseum.org  See Google map

Museum of printing (Haverhill, Massachusetts)

www.museumofprinting.org  See Google map

Museum of the American printing house for the blind (Kentucky)

www.aph.org  See Google map

Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking

paper.gatech.edu  See Google map

Roy Chatters 'Boomerang' newspaper & printing museum

www.museumsusa.org/museums/info/1157900  See Google map

Swamp Press


Tennessee printing and newspaper museum

www.rogersvilleheritage.org/tn-newspaper-and-printing  See Google map

The living museum of letterpress printing

letterpressmuseum.org  See Google map

The printing museum (Houston, Texas)

printingmuseum.org/contact  See Google map

Academic and research

Bodleian centre for the study of the book

The Centre for the study of the book provides a common ground for scholars and librarians with shared interests in understanding, documenting, and interpreting the intellectual and material history of the book.


Centre for printing history and culture (Birmingham, UK)

The CPHC seeks to encourage research into all aspects and and periods of printing history and culture, as well as education and training into the art and practice of printing.


Centre for the Book at the University of Otago


Centre for the comparative history of print (University of Leeds, UK)

Exists to promote research concerning the history of print, in all its forms and in all periods. Its distinctive emphasis is on comparing the ways in which print has brought about change in its different technological phases, in different global contexts,


Contextual Alternate

An independent initiative to archive, generate, and publish critical scholarship at the crossroads of communication, technology, and history.


Institut d'histoire du livre, Lyon, France

Regroupement de partenaires autour du livre et de la communication écrite, l’Institut d’histoire du livre propose des formations, des publications, des ressources et des événements.


Korean printing woodblocks at the Advanced Center for Korean Studies

The Advanced Center for Korean Studies and the Woodblock Institute encourage studies and academic research on their collection of over 65,000 woodblocks.


Recovering the Regional Radical Press in Britain 1968-88

Aims to identify the wealth of small, co-operatively produced local papers that played an important role in radical politics between the heady days of the late 1960s and the rise of Thatcherism in the 1980s.


Aepm sponsors

Without financial support even the most intense engagement on he part of the members of the Aepm can only accomplish so much. Therefore we are especially grateful to our sponsors for their help!

Bibliographical presses

Academic Press Leiden - Press Room

Intended for instruction in the form of classes and workshops; student group projects; use by individual students for projects in relation to their subject.


Ancora Press (Monash University)

The Ancora Press in the Department of Fine Arts at Caulfield specialises in handpress printing. At the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at the Clayton Campus it publishes books and pamphlets on bibliography and book history.


Book Art and Letterpress Lab, University of Arizona college of fine arts (USA)

The lab hosts workshops and visiting artists is also home to the student group, The Book Art Collective. Both graduate and undergraduate classes convene here throughout the year.


Cambridge University Library Historical Printing Room


Centre for the study of the book. Bodleian Libraries (Oxford)

The Centre for the study of the book provides a common ground for scholars and librarians with shared interests in understanding, documenting and interpreting the intellectual and material history of the book.


Massey College printing fellowship programme (Toronto, Canada)

In order to preserve and pass on skills in letterpress printing and maintain its 19th-century hand presses, the Robertson Davies Library has partnered with the Book History and Print Culture Collaborative Program to apprentice students.


Otakou Press (University of Ontago)

In 2003 the first Printer in Residence (PIR) programme at the University of Otago was initiated to encourage an awareness of the print facilities in the library and to foster book-making both within the University and to the wider arts community.


Printer in residence / Otakou press room (University of Otago, New Zealand)

In 2003 the first Printer in Residence (PIR) programme at the University of Otago was initiated to encourage an awareness of the print facilities in the library and to foster book-making both within the University and to the wider arts community.


Wai-Te-Ata Press (New Zealand)

Founded in 1962 by D F McKenzie, it boasts one of the finest collections of historic letterpress printing equipment, metal and wood types and industrial realia in the southern hemisphere. It runs active teaching and research programmes.


Printing history - organisations

Organisations whose aim is to bring together people interested in the history of printing and related subjects.

American printing history association (USA)


Association of print scholars

The APS exists to encourage innovative scholarship on printmaking and to provide opportunities for networking and exchange among print enthusiasts.


Associazione Italiana Musei della Stampa e della Carta (AIMSC)

A private non-profit organization whose goal is to promote and give visibility to museums and collections concerning the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of graphic arts and paper production.


Ephemera society of America


IADM (Internationalen Arbeitskreises für Druck- und Mediengeschichte)


International association of paper historians

The IPH brings together professionals of different branches and all friends of paper within the field of paper history.


National Printing Heritage Committee of the Printing Historical Society

Formerly the Nationa Printing Heritage Trust.


Printing historical society


Printing history - resources

Online resources concerning printing history and related subjects.

A short introduction to graphic design history (Nancy Stock-Allen)

An excellent, accessibe and well documented and illustrated overview of the development of graphic design and its related disciplines.


Analytical bibliography. An alternative prospectus (Neil Harris)

Neil Harris' succinct, informative and entertaining introduction to analytical bibliography. Essential complimentary reading for anyone interested in printing history.



Printing museums in the Netherlands. Descriptions and photographs.


Briar Press

A community of printers and artists dedicated to the preservation of letterpress printing.


British letterpress (UK)

Hands-on guides to most aspects of let­ter­press print­ing; inform­a­tion about print­ing presses and let­ter­press type; art­icles about some of the more obscure areas of print­ing.


Cary graphic arts collection (Rochester institute of technology)


Cover to cover: exposing the bookbinder's ancient craft

A useful, succinct introduction to traditional bookbinding techniques. (University of Adelaide, rare books and special collections.)


Edinburgh, city of print

Edinburgh is a city built on the production of books. Edinburgh City of Print aims to provide access to the printing and publishing collections of Edinburgh Museums & Galleries.


Graphic atlas (Image permanence institute)

Graphics Atlas is a sophisticated resource that presents a unique, object-based approach for the identification and characterization of prints and photographs.


History of printing timeline

An extensive timeline compiled by the American printing history association.


Imprimerie nationale (France) : catalogue et portail des collections

Près de 336 000 poinçons et matrices typographiques ainsi que bois gravés chinois du XVIIIe siècle, ont été numérisées tout comme une cinquantaine d’ouvrages spécialisés sur l’histoire et la technique de la typographie.


International Monotype memory project


James Mosley: The Materials of typefounding

A directory of existing materials related to typefounding.


James Mosley: Typefoundry. Documents for the history of type and letterforms


Jikji. Origins of printing from metal movable type

Site dedicated to printing from metal movable type in Korea.



Reconstructions of historical printing presses, from the Gutenberg Press to the Senefelder Pole Press.


Manuel typographique de Pierre-Simon Fournier

Fully indexed facsimile of Fournier's celebrated Manuel.


Museo del papiro / Instituto internazionale del papiro


National Library of the Netherlands paper historical collection

An international collection of decorated pape (both Western and Oriental), pattern books, manuscript recipe books for the reproduction of paper, watermarks, ream covers, moulds, wasps’ nests, instruments and objects related to the history of paper.


Paper and watermarks as bibliographical evidence (Neil Harris)

Second edition (2017) of invaluable guide to paper history by Neil Harris, professor of bibliography at the University of Udine in Italy.


Portail métiers du livre (Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Le site de ressources et d'information de la BnF sur les métiers du livre


Scottish printing archival trust

Formed in 1988 to conserve ‘knowledge and examples of Scotland’s printing heritage for the benefit of the public and print/media education’, it promotes interest in the history of the Scottish printing industry.


Shadowland newsletters (formerly News from Brandywine)

A wide-ranging newsletter on subjects of interest to bibliographers, printing and book historians and printing museums. Though principally focussed on Australia and New Zealand it also provides valuable information on Europe and the rest of the World.


The typographic hub (Birmingham, UK)

The typographic hub works to promote the history, theory and practice of typographic design.


Typecase layouts

Collection of typecase layouts for many countries with a short introduction and glossary. Maintained by the Alembic Press.


Typography and graphic design

Resources wholly or partly given over to typography and graphic design.

Signes: histoire et actualité du design et de la typographie

A pour objectif de traiter de l’histoire du graphisme et de la typographie, plus particulièrement en France. Documentation, références, recherches.


Virtual printing museums

Artegraf virtual printing museum


Dead media project

An ad hoc database of the deceased, the slowly-rotting, the undead, and the never-lived media. Including many print and graphic arts-related items.


Digital comic museum

Public domain Golden Age comics. The aim of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.


Early office museum


HP virtual museum: imaging and printing

Images and descriptions of some of Hewlett Packard's contributions to imaging and printing technology


The classic typewriter page


Virtual typewriter museum


Wood type museum (Unicorn Graphics)


Workshops, letterpress printing and printmaking

Contacts and resources concerning practical printing and printmaking.

Alberto Tallone Editore (Turin, Italy)


Amalgamated printers' association

An organisation composed of letterpress printing enthusiasts


Archivio tipografico

Archivio Tipografico is a collaborative space for the preservation, study and practice of the typographic arts. The aims are to preserve, to keep alive and to reinvent in a contemporary way the craftsmanship of letterpress printing.


Associacion familia plomez (Madrid, Spain)

Workshop dedicated to preserving and sharing everything related to letters: calligraphy, typography, letterpress printing.


Association of handcraft printers (New Zealand)

The Association of Handcraft Printers is made up of people interested in the practice of letterpress printing.


Atelier circulaire (Montréal, Québec, Canada)

Founded in 1982, Atelier Circulaire is an artist-run centre dedicated to printmaking. It supports the work of contemporary print-based artists by encouraging the use of traditional techniques and new technologies.


Atelier de l'Entredeux (France)


Atelier Kitchen Print (Charmes, France)

Dedicated to lithography done in a simple, non toxic, fast and economical manner on tinfoil, aluminium plates or stone.


Australian letterpress (The Alembic Press)

Various aspects of current letterpress activity in Australia. Print Shops open to the public, in Heritage Parks, etc. are listed in a short checklist.


BookCity Letterpress (Paju, South Korea)

One of the last remaining letterpress workshops in South Korea.


Buchatelier Markus und Birgit Müller (Bubendorf, Switzerland)


Buchbinderei Markus Schwab (Bubendorf, Switzerland)


Druckwerk, studio for printmaking and design (Basle, Switzerland)


Edition carpe plumbum (Leipzig, Germany)

Letterpress workshop, publications, artists' editions.


Idem Paris

Located in the Montparnasse district of Paris, the fine-art printing studio, Idem, is an important venue for leading international artists to bring their inspiration and creativity to the world of lithography.


Letpress (discussion list)

Discussion list for all aspects of traditional letterpress printing.


Letterpress commons

Sharing letterpress printing knowledge for the common good.


Letterpress Down Under

Sharing the enjoyment, skill and techniques of letterpress printing as a vocation or hobby in New Zealand and Australia, with input from enthusiasts worldwide most welcome !


LetterpressAmsterdam (Amsterdan, Netherlands)


Martin Thönen wood cuts (Berne, Switzerland)


Metal type

Yesterday's technology... today ! The place for printers and typesetters who remember the old days of letterpress printing to come and reminisce.


Miami Paper Museum

A mobile museum which travels from Homestead to West Palm Beach, FL (USA)



p98a is an experimental letterpress workshop in Berlin. We are a group of multi-­disciplined designers, exploring how letterpress can be redefined in the 21st century through research, printing, collecting, publishing and making things.


Printeresting (blog)

Blog about printmaking with regular posts on a range of print-related content, including artwork, news, reviews, technology, and critical discourse.


Rampant Lions Press (Cambridge, United Kingdom)


Ri-Xing Type Foundry


Romano Hänni, studio for design, handprinted books (Basle, Switzerland)


Satswerkstatt (Bellach, Switzerland)


Soo Peg Hang Press - Movable Type Printing

Letterpress printing workshop in Johor Bahru (Malaysia) which closed in 2006 and is now in the process of becoming a printing museum.


The Counter Press (London, United Kingdom)

A letterpress studio and workshop based in an old chocolate factory in London’s East End. Working exclusively with traditional hand set wood and metal type, we create contemporary typographic design, artwork and limited edition prints.


Type & Press (Belgium)


Typographische Gesellschaft München (Munich Typographical Society)


Waldgut Verlag & Atelier Bodoni (Frauenfeld, Switzerland)


Winterbourne Press,

The is part of the University of Birmingham’s joint initiative with Birmingham City University entitled the Centre for Printing History and Culture.
