Posted November 21, 2010 // Aepm Secretary

Steve Hoskins, new president

Dear Colleagues, I would like to introduce myself to you all and say that I am delighted to be able to take on the role as chair of the AEPM. I have had a long association with the AEPM. I first attended in Gravenmacher in 2003 and have sat on the board since 2005. I am

1 May, 2010 // Aepm Secretary

Newsletter, May 2010

Newsletter of the AEPM May 2010 Dear Friends and Colleagues, we are happy to pass on some new articles of our members. Annual Meeting of the AEPM 2010 This year´s annual meeting takes place in Wadgassen September 3rd to 5th and includes the general meeting of the members and the election of a new board.

April 2008 // Aepm Secretary

Newsletter, April 2008

Liebe Freunde und Kollegen, dieses Mal ist das Hauptthema des Newsletters die Mitgliederversammlung in Odense und Helsingborg im September. Ervin Nielsen, Direktor von »Danmarks Mediemuseum«, hat inZusammenarbeit mit den schwedischen Mitgliedern ein interessantes Programm erdacht, das sicher alle von uns ansprechen wird. Schrift ist ein Abenteuer, The Adventure We call Type, L’ecriture est une aventure